Saturday night heading back home from our out of town trip I cried again as I reminded myself that God knows what our financial situation is like right now and He's opening all the doors for us to become foster parents anyway. He knows and He's in control. If the time comes for us to adopt He'll provide a way, I shouldn't worry about it. Still stressed and worried... I cried as I was trying to hand it over to God.
Sunday we were given money to help buy kid bedding, and we were bought lunch. Monday I babysat and we bought some kid bedding.
Tuesday? Jared got told about a job that his friend thinks he should apply for. Looking at the timing I'm thinking maybe this is God saying He's still our provider. But at the same time I question something new. What if it's just a temptation to cause Jared to be discontent with his job? He has a little less than a year now until he can test for his plumbers license. Will he burn bridges to leave now? And what if the new job doesn't work out? Thinking maybe he should apply and pray that if this isn't God's plan, they won't hire him. But if they do... let the new journey begin? Prayers would be much appreciated.