Saturday, November 19, 2011

Conflicting Thoughts

Here I am again,
at day thirty-five.
And my hopes?
They begin to rise.

Though I find it sad,
'cause I'm sure it can not be.
There's just no way,
that there's a pregnancy.

But what if there is?
What if maybe?
Maybe we unknowingly
could have made a baby.

But we haven't had time!
And we're taking a break!
Plus I've got an appointment,
'cause I can't procreate...

Conflicting thoughts
about the what if.
Yet I'm sure if I test,
it will disprove it.

My hopes will crash,
shattering when they hit the floor.
And the red dot will appear,
as it's always done before.

So I say, NO!
There just can not be.
There's just.......
There's no way it's a pregnancy.

-Suzanna  11/19/11