Friday, June 21, 2013

His poem found

In the last week me and my husband have wrote a lot of poetry. I was just flipping through my notebook looking for one I wrote about wanting kids, but instead I came across one my husband wrote. One I didn't know he wrote until just now reading it. As you know, most men don't show their emotions much, my husband included. So even though I know he wants to be a dad... Even though I can see it on his face when we spend time with our friend's kid... It's not something he really talks about. I talk a lot, he listens and agrees. But when it comes to just what he thinks... I don't know if he wants a child as badly as me. I don't know if it hurts him at all. Anyways... Now I know it does. I hope he doesn't mind, but here's the poem he wrote:

I celebrate this Father's Day,
Though I don't have one of my own.
I celebrate this Father's Day,
with no child in my home.

I have no child, yes I know,
sad and oh so true.
But I have a father's heart,
this is what I say to you.

Oh how it brings such joy,
just to hold the hand,
of the tiny girl so dear,
that is my closest friend's.

Fathers I say,
treasure what you have,
for you've no clue how it can hurt,
to want to be a dad.

I celebrate this Father's Day,
I don't celebrate alone.
I celebrate with my loving wife,
for the future we aren't shown.

My husband is getting off work at lunch today so we head to the lab to get the semen analysis done. Neither one of us is looking forward to this pending awkwardness. Hoping/planning to make a good date night of this evening afterwards. Maybe I'll post a poem of my own later.