Saturday, June 22, 2013


Yesterday we got the semen analysis done! Jared will call our doctor Monday to see what needs to happen next for finding out the results.

You ever go to do something and things just fall into place? Jared and I both noticed that after we decided to get this test done, everything just worked out.

First Jared went and talked to his boss to let him know what was going on. Poor guy, I do not envy that conversation. Anyways, Jared just wanted to let him know that there would probably be a few more doctors trips coming up soon with all of that. So when Jared asked to get off early that Wednesday, boss said yes. That doctors trip was to get a referral to have the analysis done. When that Wednesday got there, they ended up not needing both Jared and the other apprentice worker all day, so Jared volunteered to be the one to leave early.

Then when we get to the clinic Wednesday, they got us in right away, and after the doctor talked to us for a while.... He told us he thought it was silly we had to have an appointment to get a referral and he wouldn't charge us a visit! So that saved us $50! Then said he'd call around to see if the lab guys could come up to do the test locally. Think I like this guy, lol.

Next day the clinic called Jared after having made some phone calls, sadly they can't do the test up here. She got a price for the test saying it would be $190. (Yikes!) But when I had made phone calls last year about prices for things, I remember someone telling me the Reference Lab (next to the hospital) does the same test for about half the price. So Jared mentioned to the lady something about the Reference Lab. Later Jared was called again to say that the request for his semen analysis was sent to the Reference Lab, we'd just have to go in.

So we planned to go the first Friday after our vacation. Jared got permission to work a half day no problem. The whole abstinence thing wasn't an issue, since I started my cycle about 3 days before test time arrived. We made it down to the Reference Lab at a decent time, next thing you know it was all over.

Craziest part was when the lady told us "It says to charge this to the clinic, but I think it would cost you less to just pay for it now." Know what she charged us? $18. That's it! I'm skeptical wondering if we'll get some bill later. But really that was it! We asked if we'd get charged for the test later, and she said that was the charge. I was expecting to pay at least $50, so we went out for steak dinner at Coltons. =)

Going to get the test done was awkward for sure. But Jared went to a restroom and was back before I knew it. I think I was more nervous about things than he was. I don't know why, but the nerves hit me while he was gone, and I cried. I guess all this is just starting to feel real. That we're actually getting "tested". I think Jared's a little worried about what the test results will say. The way things fell into place, he's concerned maybe there will be something to find out after all. Maybe we'll find something out Monday.