Thursday, January 23, 2014
This Girl's Dream - Poem
Once upon a time,
there was a little girl.
She wanted to be a mommy,
like her mommy in the world.
Have lots of kids,
and homeschool them too.
A stay-at-home mom,
was the dream that she would do.
She got married at nineteen,
her husband was twenty.
So excited was she,
to get started on her family.
At night she'd dream of children,
and awake and them not be there.
She started getting really lonely,
and sank into despair.
First she got a dog,
he was a little puppy.
That kinda helped her out,
'cause at least she was his mommy.
Then she got a job,
watching a little baby boy.
That helped fill the gap,
of her missing joy.
Then she got a cat,
a kitten as soft as can be.
Now she was the mother,
of two furr babies.
But it wasn't enough,
and when her job left her,
she waited around,
and quickly got another.
Now she watched a baby girl,
as sweet as she can be.
The child looked like hers,
and she could almost pretend being mommy.
But after a couple years,
she could handle it no more.
The loneliness in her heart,
was even bigger than before.
Raising someone else's child,
but never being mommy,
it hurt her so bad,
she quit being a nanny.
Now she sits at home,
wondering what next to seek.
She prays that God will give her,
a child she can keep.
-Suzanna 1/23/14