Friday, November 18, 2011


....Cycle Day 34....
       Money just got REALLY tight again.  I mean super tight!  You know how things go.... You are doing great!  You are making all your bills!  Buying all your groceries!  Able to buy an extra thing here and there just because you want it.....  And then it happens.  Something you were not expecting.  It's amazing how many somethings I can think up from over the past three years of being married. 
       Anyways....  Papa Darrell passing away was definitely not something we had fit into our budget.  I know that sentence sounds so very impersonal....  But you know what I mean, don't you?  There was so many hours spent driving back and forth... That was gas money that we didn't really have.
      But even though times are tough.... I wouldn't want to miss out on anything!  You know what I've noticed?  I've noticed that the more difficult things are and such.... the more I notice the blessings.  The blessings we've been getting lately make me want to cry! 
     First blessing I noticed was on the way home from our trip.  Jared had been driving almost the entire time we had been gone all those days so I felt it was time I drove for a while.  On the way home it was pouring down rain very hard, and it was dark out.  It was very difficult to see where we were going, but God blessed me with someone great to follow.  This person stayed well in their lane, paid attention to speed limit, and was unknowingly my guild.  Watching their tail lights in the dark pouring down rain was so much easier than trying to focus on the lines directly in front of me.  By the time they pulled off the road the rain had let up, we were entering our county, and would shortly be home.  I praise God for that stranger!!!!!!!
      I have been trying hard not to worry about gas money for this weekend's trip to my grandparents.  But at the same time, every time I would look at how much money we currently have... We'd end up having to take money out of what we've been saving up for our water heater.  And then God poured out more blessings!
     Amazingly I have found creative ways to make decent dinners all week without us having to go grocery shopping at all!  (Tonight is sloppy joe pasta).  The church van volunteered to pick us up from now on!  (Saving us a 40min round trip).  Jared's grandma sent him a little money!  And then this morning...  My boss paid me for the days I  WOULD HAVE  worked next week!
     After tithes, taxes, my car payment, and the water bill....  We still have enough for gas and groceries!  We are going to make it!!!!!  And then on the 24th Jared will get paid and things can start going back to normal.  Gosh I feel blessed.  =)