Saturday, January 14, 2012

This next week!

....Cycle Day 16....
    Today has been a pleasant home day.  Jared and I haven't stayed home all day in quite a while.  Sure we worked on the house a bit....  But we also just relaxed and enjoyed each other's company. 
    This next week will be Jared's first full week working as a plumber!  We've already found that Steve isn't very good at letting them off on time...  But it's still better than working all night. 
    Monday night will be couples night!  Course it's couples night with the two pregnant women I mentioned the other day...  But I'm sure it'll still be fun.  Wednesday night will be church.  And then Friday night my family will get in town for my birthday!!!!!  So all the time in between this week when we don't have plans, we'll be cleaning house to get ready for them. 
    I love birthdays!  And this year I've gotten my family to come visit me for mine!  Plus I think I talked dad into picking up an ice-cream cake for me on the way down (our closest DQ is about 45mins away).  I am so very much looking forward to my birthday this year.  Jared's family doesn't really do much for birthdays.  And the first year we were married...  Well I was heartbroken that he didn't want to make a big deal out of mine.  With my family? 
    With my family your birthday is your own personal holiday.  You don't have to do school or chores... You get to pick all the meals (within reason)... The first thing anyone says to you is Happy Birthday!  And you hear happy birthday alllll day long!  I love it!!!  But it wasn't like that the first year we were married...  And it's still not.  Though Jared is getting better about it. 
    Anyways, this year Jared will get to see what it's like having my family around on my birthday.  I hope he learns a thing or two.  lol.  Welp I should probably be getting off here, Take care!