Monday, August 12, 2013
Long day...
I am a horrible moody wreck. It has been a long day. I like my doctor, she's really nice, but I'm skeptical when it comes to doctors. Does she not realize I don't have much money? That going to a specialist 3 hours away isn't something I can do at the drop of a coin? Does she know more than she tells? Or does she not know more than I do about my BBT chart? I was told to bring them, but she didn't say much about it. And the questions I asked she didn't give good answers. I wasn't surprised when she asked for a test on my progesterone levels, I found she might want one from google. When we asked about vitamins to help Jared's motility, she said she wanted a more detailed analysis done. His counts are good, and his ph levels.... So she doesn't know if vitamins would help? Maybe she's not a natural fix kinda doctor and likes to stick with perscriptions. When I meantioned my low amounts of CM, she suggested ky jelly? I think I'll try pre-seed or vitamins first... She just wanted to make sure I'm getting enough folic acid in case I do get pregnant. I don't feel like I learned anything today. And then I didn't even consider them sending that blood test request to my local clinic where it would have been cheaper for me. She was talking IVF and IUIs already, we don't even know if we need one or if one might work well for us yet! And to top everything off... Jared made a comment to me afterwards about us starting to save up now and go to the special clinic to get stuff done after he finishes school. Know when he'll finish? In 3 years! I'd like to go crawl under a rock now, wake me when three years is over... I don't want to think about it...