I love my husband Jared so very much! I love that I have gotten to spend the last four years with such a wonderful man, I couldn't have married anyone better. And I am so happy I will get to spend many many, until-the-day-I-die, more years with the man I love.....
How did FOUR years go by so quickly??? How have I been married for four years and haven't had a kid yet? I would love to have a 3 year old running around.... I would love to be pregnant with my second.... I... I've never even conceived?!?! How have four years already gone by? I feel like I'm stuck in limbo or something. My cycle just keeps repeating over and over and never goes away.
My sibling-in-laws keep having kids, people I graduated with are all having kids, both of my ex-boyfriends have a kid.... Even my own mother had a child after we had been trying for a year. My turn? Is it mine yet? Four years.... My friend's little sibling is having a baby? Oh I'm so happy none of my little siblings are having them yet. None of my little sisters have ever had a boyfriend before.... Lord can I have a baby before any of them do? Please?
I've ordered some more ovulation test strips... haven't used any in a while.... maybe it'll help my depression getting to see two lines show up every month.... being reminded that I ovulate might make me feel better.... I hope....
My Frosty cat is two.... My Nick dog is three..... We've been in this house three years..... I've had my car for over two.... Worked one nanny job for over a year.... Worked at McDonald's for a summer.... Been at this nanny job for over a year now.... Been married for four years..... Next year we are going to renew our vows! I wonder how quickly that'll get here... and I if I'll be wearing a nursing dress, a maternity dress, or my wedding dress shortened for the occasion.