Friday, November 16, 2012

Remind me again?

In the past few weeks I have been reminded of several things: 

"I know several people who have adopted and then got pregnant."
"When you're pregnant, you'll know."
"You have a mother's heart."

I've lost count on how many people have told me I have a "mother's heart", but it's starting to get rather annoying.  It's starting to sound like...  I don't know... like a "she's got a great personality" type of thing.   If you try to set someone up with someone else and say that "he/she has a great personality", they'll probably be wondering what's wrong with the other person.  Now having a great personality is great and all, but that line has gotten such a bad reputation for meaning other things like, she's not very attractive.  I feel like maybe they've given up hope for me and a "mother's heart" is their last ditch response.  That they don't know why Suzanna hasn't conceived yet, I mean she's got the best mother's heart.  I try to take it as a complement... But I'm starting to wonder what having a "mother's heart" really means to these people.

Far as "knowing when I'm pregnant" I think that's a bunch of bologna.  Every person I can think of that "knew" they were pregnant had experienced pregnancy before.  They knew because that feeling of being pregnant was once again there.  However my own mother who has been pregnant... 10 times?  once told me that she's careful which medications she takes the second half of the month because "you just never know".  So maybe my second pregnancy I'll just know, but I expect that my first will just surprise me with two lines on the test.

And last but not least telling someone that you know such and such persons that "adopted and then got pregnant" is like telling me adoption is a fertility treatment.  I mean seriously!  No one should go into adoption hoping that they'll conceive because they adopted.  You go into adoption because you desire in your heart to be a parent to a child, whoever the child may be.  That you feel you could love and cherish a little one who isn't biologically yours.  If your only reason to adopt is because so many others have conceived after adoption....  yeah...

    Now for those out there who have had kids of their own after adopting, I am very happy for them!!!  But I highly doubt that they treated adoption as another step to conception, just sayin.
I've also been hearing several stories about people who tried and tried and tried and then got pregnant.  People who were married for 10 years, never had a kid, then *poof* she's pregnant, and next thing you know they have 4 children.  People who have been married for 4 or 5 years and then *bam*bam*bam* they have 3 kids.  Or even some that tried for a very long time, gave up thinking they would never have a kid, and then when she's 39... hello she's pregnant, and now they have a beautiful child.
   Recently I watched a movie called "He's Just Not That Into You".  And in it she has this great line about how if you've heard a story about so-n-so and how their situation was "just like yours" and such-n-such happened....  That that person you heard about was the exception, but you?  you're the rule. 
   Just because we hope that our situation will copy that of someone else's doesn't mean it'll ever happen, everyone's story is different.  Besides I'd rather have my own exception conception story anyway  ;-)