Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Rod's son's name

I haven't forgotten about you guys, I've just been busy.  Last several days have gone by in a blur.  Friday and Saturday we went to Silver Dollar City with friends from our church for the young Christians weekend.  There was lots of riding in the back of a van, lots of waiting in line for rides and then riding for maybe a minute, lots of taking pictures, and lots and lots of Christian bands playing.  It was an enjoyable weekend where I then came home sleep deprived and sunburned.  After resting some, church Sunday morning, playing games with friends Sunday night, and resting some more...  Monday I started my cycle.  So Monday I camped out on the couch pretty much all day feeling crummy, by the time bed time came around I was finally feeling better.  *We got the DCFS paperwork we filled out sent in the mail Monday!*  So yesterday, Tuesday was it?, I had lots of laundry and dishes to do since it had been ignored (no I didn't get them all finished but I made major improvements!).  And now we're to today.  Wow... Wednesday?  Oh that reminds me...
     I have affected the name of somebody's baby!  I'm so excited!!!  The baby won't be named after me or anything, but I totally have affected the name!  It's a baby boy who is due in July to my old best guy-friend.  I haven't seen the soon to be daddy since his wedding over a year ago and we plan to meet on Skype today, so that's what reminded me of it.  Anyway....  his name is Jarod, not to be confused with my Jared, so I shall call him Rod. 
     *little back story*  My dear friend Rod was a close friend of mine back in highschool and the time after that.  He was the wonderful friend who helped me and Jared out when our relationship got to a rough start, poor guy was stuck in the middle.  Rod was an usher at our wedding, and if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have had my bouquet when I walked down the aisle (one of those last minute I almost forgot things).  Me and Rod hung out quite a bit when I was about 18 years old, several people in the homeschool group thought we were dating, but I never had any interest and he knew it.  I always knew he'd make a great husband for somebody, you know, just not for me.  He ended up marrying my mom's best friend's daughter, Heather.  Kind of strange how that worked out, but that's an entirely different story.  I had known of Heather for at least 10 years before Rod met her, so I kind of feel like he married a distant cousin of mine.  Nice to have him in the family now, lol.
      So Rod and Heather are having a baby boy!  On the day they found out it was a boy, they picked out a name and announced it on Facebook.  His name will be Kayden Monarch. 
      Rod and I are both poetic people and we like to talk in metaphors sometimes, it's just fun.  Well during one of our metaphoric conversations so long ago I gave him a new nickname: Monny.  It was short for monarch, as in the monarch butterfly.  From what I remember I was making a comparison of his social behaviors.  Rod is very quiet and likes to blend in with the background, but when he comes out in the open he's a social butterfly.  A monarch is a brown butterfly that blends in very well with it's surroundings, yet it is very beautiful out in the open.  I told him he was like a monarch, and thus started calling him Monny.  I remember him telling me it was the first nickname anyone has ever given him that had nothing to do with his actual name.  I called him Monny quite a bit back then and even had his name saved in my phone as that for a long time.  But now we don't talk nearly so often and I had almost forgotten about the name "Monny" until Rod announced what his son's name will be, Kayden Monarch. 
      Monarch isn't exactly a name you hear every day.  In fact I don't know if I have ever heard of someone with the name Monarch.  Knowing Rod can be a very sentimental person sometimes I was quite curious if the middle name had anything to do with me.  So I text him...  How'd you come up with the name?  And here's what he said:  We liked the meaning of Kayden (in Arabic it means companion, and in Irish it means warrior), and Monarch was based off Monny actually.  I had no idea that giving Rod that nickname so many years ago would one day affect the naming of his child, but I gotta say I'm very honored that it has.  Kayden Monarch sounds like a good respectable name.  =)