Friday, August 8, 2014
What to do?
What's my purpose?! So many of us identify ourselves by our jobs. When I was a nanny that is exactly what I did. It was what I talked about most of the time. It was who I was, a nanny. Not having a job, and not having kids, somehow identifying as a housewife these days just doesn't seem to be enough to satisfy. I want more. I want a goal to achieve. When working as a nanny you always have goals of new things to teach. You're aim to to do the best you can in helping raise that child. Them growing up is a constant goal you can't avoid. But as a housewife... I suppose my goal is to have the cleanest house. My goal is to take better care of myself and my husband. My goal is to care more for my pets. Right now I don't feel much motivation to work hard on these goals, but I'm trying to improve on them.
Back in January or February I was offered a job. I thought "This is it! This is what God wants me to do!" and then that job was given to someone else. I was offered another job "This is it! This is what God wants me to do!" and that job fell through shortly after. Then we're looking more into foster care and adoption "This is it! This is what God wants me to do!" then our only friends moved and our church family fell apart. We looked at the youth at our church and thought "I think this is it... This is what God wants us to do!" and we focused on becoming more invested in their lives. But now even that has fallen through as the teacher/church bus driver for the kids is no longer able to continue on for various reasons. Lord what are we supposed to do?!
We are still signed up for those foster/adoption training classes, but a big part of me wonders if we'll drop those. Jared's looking more into whether or not that job as the maintenance man at the church camp our friends went to is a realistic possibility for us. If it is a realistic possibility... Well we'd be moving out of state and the thought of being foster parents would really need put on hold. Jonathan and Cherish haven't officially told us they've taken the full time position there as assistant camp director, but Jonathan did recently tell Jared they'd be back for a week, so we're assuming they've agreed to take the job. The more I think about it, the more I hope the maintenance job is a real possibility. Even if Jonathan and Cherish moved back (which I don't think they will) life here will never be like it was before they left. So now I'm dreaming they are going to stay at the camp and that we'll be able to join them soon. Will this dream come true? Is that God's Will for our lives? I wish I knew... *goes back to focusing on her housewife skills*
God has made me barren, but He has also made me a blessed mama. This blog is about my journey and the lessons I have learned, and am continuing to learn, in both those facts.