Friday, October 14, 2011

Vicious Circle

....Cycle Day 27....
     I think it's kinda funny/sad that even when you decide that you are going to "take a break" from trying to conceive....  Your first thought when your boobs hurt is "Am I pregnant?" lol.  I don't know how much I believe in all those early pregnancy symptoms in the first place.  I mean, everyone's pregnancy is different, right?  So just because X number of people have sore breast when they first become pregnant doesn't mean that I will. 
     So yeah, my breast have been a bit tender this week.  But it's not like that hasn't happened before.  I just think it's a bit humorous that the first thing I ask myself is "Am I pregnant?".  Of course then I try to convince myself how there's no way that I am right now.  Just couldn't possibly be...  But could it be possible?  Could I maybe?  Wouldn't it be funny if I felt so sure that I wasn't, and then that time I was?  It's a vicious circle.  lol.  Take care!