....Cycle Day 17....
Sometimes it seems like I worry about everything. Taxes, health, friends, family, money, time, I dunno... I've worried about soo many things! And sometimes I even worry about worrying too much. Kinda ironic I think. You know in the Bible it tells you not to worry. That God will take care of you! There's no need to worry about anything! And then I worry..... If the Bible says NOT to worry.. does that mean it's a sin to worry? Is that a command? Worrying about worrying... hmmm.....Currently I've been worrying about myself. About these crazy outta wack emotions. God has helped me so much with my emotions this week! And then I wonder if why I'm doing so great with my emotions being under control is because I have been soooo busy. That maybe the only reason I am doing so good is because I haven't had any time to think about it. Seems when things get quiet... when things slow down... That's when I have the most trouble. I don't think I can keep busy all year to keep my emotions in tact.