Monday, August 27, 2012

Faith or Fear

I heard on the radio the other day something about faith and fear.  That every day we have the choice to either live in faith, or to live in fear.  I.... live in fear almost every day, it's ridiculous!  He said on there that in the fearful economy that we live in it can be hard to have faith that God will provide for us.  And I was just thinking... No kidding!  That's exactly how I feel.  I'm not sure I've really learned yet what it means to live in faith.  I want to live in faith... I do... it's just... I'm not sure I know how... ya know?  I'm always worrying about this or that.  Getting stressed out over things I know I shouldn't be.  My life feels chaotic and out of control often.  Living in faith sounds pretty nice.  lol.  There was this song I heard later that day that really sounded, I dunno, like it went with all of that.

Let the Waters Rise - by Mikeschair

"The ocean right in front of me wants to pull me in..."  I know that feeling!  That feeling like you are being suffocated by everything around you.  The weight of everything makes it feel like you care barely breathe!  But then to say, "The the waters rise if You want them to, I will follow You..."  It's just like woah!  That's pretty... profound?  To have the faith to say, "Hey God no matter what happens, even if You want things to get worse than they are right now, that's ok, I'm sticking with You."  It's just... wow.  Anyways... Just thought I'd share that.