Friday, February 28, 2014

March IComLeavWe

You know how when you are about to have people come over who have never been to your house before you try to make things look extra nice for them?  You want everything to look perfect because first impressions can mean a lot, you know?  Or even if it is someone who hasn't been to your house in a long time, you want the memory of your house to be a good one so they'll want to come again.  Well that's how I'm feeling right now about my blog.  I have to get my blog ready for the March IComLeavWe!  The hope is... and the scary part as well... is that a bunch of strangers are going to see my blog soon!  Probably for the first time ever!  And.... well I want to make a good impression.  There's a whole bunch of people out there who might want to be my friends if they like me... so I want my blog to look it's best so they'll like me!  I know.... looks aren't everything... lol.  I've seen the IComLeavWe around for a couple years now, but this will be the first time I'm participating, so I'm a bit excited.  Plus this should be great motivation for me to become active in the blogger community again now that we have internet at our house.  I've got 3 weeks to be ready! 
*makes an "about me" page*