Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I want alone time, and I miss my family? hmmm...

It's been a little over 3 weeks since we sent the paperwork back to DCFS and... we still haven't heard anything from them.  It's a bit discouraging.  I'm a bit disappointed.  And life feels on pause again.  I know, I know, it's only been three weeks!  Oh but it feels like forever.  I'm thinking about calling them today to find out if they ever received back what we sent them.
    The weather around here has been crazy.  I thought we were finally past all freezing temperatures for the year and then they come again.  Need to check the forecast every day to see whether or not you want a t-shirt or a sweater for the day.  Currently it says it's 31 outside, but will be get up to 60 today.  By this weekend it's supposed to be in the 70's again!  I want to go camping...
    Growing up camping meant being in a camper with my mom, dad, and 5 siblings.  There were double bunk beds in the back and I slept on the top left one.  It was a small living space for that many people.  My dad always ended up upset at some point during the weekend that us kids couldn't get along.  But you see we lived in a house big enough that we could always go to our own little corner.  Though we were a close family, we weren't used to being that close to one another for so much time.  Anyways...  Camping included indoor and outdoor swimming pools.  Camping meant a shower house within walking distance (camper had a shower and toilet in it, but they were very small).  Camping meant canoeing or paddle-boating on the lake.  Camping meant trying your hand at volley ball, tennis, or some such thing.  Camping means something totally different for me now....
    Now when I go camping it means camping in a tent with just my husband and our dog.  Good chance there is no shower house, but maybe a port-a-potty.  There's no indoor or outdoor pools, but maybe a river or creek.  Our cell phones don't work, and we don't have walkie-talkies.  About the only activity to do is go for walks, and we go on a lot of walks.  It's so quiet and peaceful.  Getting away from the world.  Going where there is no wifi.  Just me and Jared, our dog, and God's good earth.  I know if nothing else we'll be camping a month or so from now, we always go camping mother's day weekend, it's my escape.
     Oh what else to talk about...  I've been skyping my brother Sean a lot lately.  Sean is almost 9 and he's never really liked being alone.  Sometimes when we skype he's just playing a video game with my presence, so I'll often be cleaning while he's there.  I know that doesn't involve a lot of communication, but he's 8 and it's probably more communication than him picking up the phone and calling me, cause he probably won't do that.  I enjoy him wanting to call me so much because then I feel like I'm a part of his every day life.  Often times I see other family members walking by and sometimes they'll sit down to talk to me for a little bit.  I talk to Sofia and Sabrina some through text most of the time, everyone else tends to be too busy to say much.  I miss my large family, and I love when they miss me.  Stuart will be 4 in July, I hope the more he sees me on skype with Sean the more he'll like me next time he sees me in person.  Anyway...  Here's a video message Sean left me the other day when I wasn't around to answer his call, who knows how many times I've watched it...