When I wrote, Things I Can't Deny, Yet I Try, I wrote what I felt I was supposed to write at the time. But now I look back and realize just how much I said things were one way and that they'd never change. I claimed the title of "barren" more than once as something that would always be me. I didn't say it everywhere, and that's not what I was going for, but still it's there.
Last week Pastor spoke on the man at the pool who had been laying there for years and years wishing to make it to the waters so that he could be healed (John 5). When Jesus shows up on the scene he asks him, "Do you want to be healed?". His first response wasn't yes. His first response was to give Jesus all the reasons he could NOT be healed.
Y'all infertility is all I've ever known. Do I want to be healed?!? Pastor mentioned how sometimes we don't ask for prayer because we are afraid people will pray and it won't happen. At the end of service he asked if anyone wanted to be prayed for to be healed, to come forward, and I thought of my barrenness, but I stayed in my seat. I've already been prayed for! I've already been healed! Right?!? I don't need to go forward and ask again for that, I just need to embrace that I've already been healed... But I sat and thought of the prayers that have already been prayed and I've yet to see them answered.
Truth is, I stayed in my seat because I didn't want others to look at me and see nothing change.
Here's a poem I wrote the other day for the Sisterhood of Infertility Bible study:
Elisha who is doing the class made it look all nice and pretty for sharing it with the group. It's funny how this blog of mine is all about stuff like that, and yet I didn't share that here. I mentioned to a friend the other day, and I think to my husband as well, that though I know people "know" about the prophetic word that I'll be pregnant because it's mentioned in my blog posts and I know people have read my blog.... I don't talk about it. I've not had many conversations with people about it. I'm scared they won't believe me, and they'll feed my doubts that it'll ever happen.
The first place I mentioned that prophetic word here on my blog, I hoped no one would notice. It was the second half of a really long post, and then I wrote another post before I shared with anyone that I'd written more. For most people, I hoped they'd never see the second half of my post: The Third Tree & Me. I suppose if my plan worked and you never read it, you can go read it now.
Since it was out there though, and I'd broken the ice putting it on my blog at all, I slowly started to mention it more... Yet this poem I wrote and I didn't want to share here, and the fact that I've noticed that I don't really have much conversations with people about any of that, and the fact that I sat in my seat last Sunday with the thoughts that I had, it begs me to ask:
Do I want to be healed?
Am I ready to say goodbye to what I've always known? Am I ready for things to be different now? I ordered a crib for Irene! My little Ira-Belle, my promised child, my pregnancy of a little girl that's coming!!! But that's a pretty huge deal, if I set it up and people come over... They'll see it. Do I really want them to see it?
The day after I made my last post, I cleared out the spare room and set up the pack-n-play. I left the door open when I went to bed. It's time. It's time to move forward and see that as Irene's room, not as "theirs" anymore. And it hurts that it's not "theirs", but I want that room to be filled with HOPE, and not sorrow. Joy of things to come, and not the pain of the past that is no more. But the pack-n-play? It's temporary. I know me, I'll fold it up and put it away. I'll find some excuse to not have it around when others are here so I don't have to explain it, so they won't know, so that conversation never starts.
Do I want to be healed?
I cleared out the room! I set up the pack-n-play! My boys all know about the outfit that was bought because God said I'll be pregnant and have a little girl. My boys all know what her name will be! I've told them!!! And yet... And yet the very next day, after I did that to the room and slept with that door open, I sat in my seat at church wondering if I should go up and be prayed for my "barrenness" to be healed?
Do I want to be healed?
Before the week was out, I ordered the bassinet. God that's my answer, my answer is yes. And I ordered one that's not an easy to fold up one, because I know I'd be tempted to stash it away. I did that! Yet I still feel that hesitancy in me to not let others know about it.
Do I want to be healed?!
This week God called me out in church to be prayed for before the sermon even happened. Now everyone at church knows! If there was anyone in church that hadn't read my blog and found out here, or hadn't heard it from someone else already, they've heard it now. God says I'm not barren anymore! God says that title is no longer mine! God says my womb is open!!! God says!!!! Funny, the sermon that Pastor gave afterwards was about the lame man who was brought to Jesus by his friends to be healed. I did not seek out this prayer, Pastor didn't orchestrate it, a friend interrupted the flow of service to call others together to pray for me and my womb and to tell me I'm not barren anymore and I need to come out of agreement with barrenness and... yeah.. They all heard it, they all know, it's time to be expecting that I'm expecting.
When you read the story about the healing of the lame man who was brought to Jesus by his friends in Mark 2, I notice that the lame man doesn't say a word. And I notice that the first words spoken to him by Jesus are not the words that healed him physically. Jesus looked at the faith of his friends and then said to the lame man, "Son, your sins are forgiven you." I wonder if it wasn't the lame man's idea to be brought to Jesus. I wonder if the lame man didn't seek out his healing. I wonder if his healing was all his friends idea. He might have even argued against it. Whether or not he did, imagine him silently going along with their idea to bring him to Jesus all the while thinking to himself, "There's no point. I've been this way for so long. Everyone says that it's because I've sinned that I'm this way. Maybe they are right. Maybe if I hadn't of done this... or that... That's got to be it. He can't heal me, He won't heal me, it won't work, we won't even make it to Him, my sin is just too much, it's all my fault, I..." And then they get there, it doesn't look like they're going to make it to Jesus after all, the crowd is just too much, "I knew it, this venture was hopeless to begin with, maybe we should just turn back..." But he stays silent as his friends insist and make a way through the crowd, and make a way through the roof, and they put him right directly at Jesus' feet. Here's the moment, here it is, when everyone is going to see I'm a sinner and I'm not worthy... "Son, your sins are forgiven you." And the lame man breaks into silent tears as THAT is what he needed to hear. "He sees me, He called me His son, He loves me, He accepts me right where I'm at, it's not my fault, if I never walk it's okay because it's not because I'm not worthy because of my sin like everyone has told me." Before Jesus healed him physically, He addressed what might have kept him from his healing, a thought pattern that said it could never be done.
I am His daughter. He sees me, He loves me, and He has chosen me and called me out to be blessed with a pregnancy when I had quit asking for it. When I quit believing it could be done for me, He says it will. He says I am not barren anymore, I will not be identified by that word any longer. It's not me.
So hello, my name is Suzanna, I am a daughter of God, a blessed wife, and a mother to three amazing boys and a precious little girl I'm standing in faith preparing now for her arrival. ♡